Reading: Acts 17
As God directs us by saying no to some doors and yes to others, it challenges our deepest sense of identity. It reveals how fragile we actually are. The truth is, we are not in control! And we hated that.
Years ago I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I wasn't sure how the situation would turn out and what kind of ramifications it may have for my future. The truth was, I had no control over anything. I was thrown into my "in between normals." I was scared. There were many sleepless nights.
That crisis forced me to face myself in a very honest way. Do I really believe what I said I believe? Is my understanding of God really square with how He has revealed Himself?
For my soul
I have never held on to God like that before. The Bible was my lifeline. I would read, memorize, and chew on God's Word for a long time.
"Ah ... I see ... it makes sense ...oh look ..." were my common emotions.
As I spent more time deep-diving into God's Word, I suddenly understand Mary, the mother of Jesus, a little bit more.
"Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19)
Pondering in the heart ... I know what it means.
Oh, you know what, there is a difference between reading the Bible for information and pondering God's Word for the soul.
Some days my soul would be full and satisfied. Other days I got more information about God. And of course, there were days when I was simply bored.
But as I persisted over time, I received my reward! I found a resting place for my soul.
A Heart of Eagerness
In today's reading, Paul rushed through a few cities within a short time. He was very busy.
But a verse stands out and captures my attention.
The Bereans "received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (17:11)
Look! "Eagerness" is an action of the heart. It means motivation, anticipation, and a sense of excitement when they approach the "message", the gospel! They "want to", not "have to." It's the heart's desire.
"Examine" is an action of the mind. The Bereans didn't like "second hand" knowledge of God. They wanted to see it for themselves. Faith is deeply personal.
Now, if you put together "great eagerness" and "examined the Scriptures", and add "every day" into the mix, you may understand the deep feeling of the Psalmist:
"My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?" (Psalm 42:2)
You "meet" God. You don't just "talk about" God!
My friend, this is the real deal. This is the real resting place for your soul.
"When can I go and meet with God?"
Do you remember the last time when your heart was so eager to meet God? When was that? What happened? How can you nurture such an intimate moment with God again?
Prayer for Today:
Dear God,
My soul longs for you. I desire a deep and intimate relationship with you. This is a moment in my life that I am not happy with where I am, and I want a breakthrough. I want to truly know you, not just know more "about" you. I want a deep connection, not just more information. Please help me nurture a good habit like the Bereans so that I can see you for myself. God, please reveal yourself to me.
In Jesus' name. Amen.