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Day 31: Thank you for the journey

My Friends, Thank you for journeying with me during the last 30 days. I am honoured that you would choose to spend a few minutes each day...

Day 30: Where do we go from here?

Congratulations! You have completed all 28 chapters of the Book of Acts. Well done! Now, you can go back and re-read it again! So, do we...

Day 29: The New Normal of the Heart

Reading: Acts 28 Are we there yet? Almost! In today's reading, we finally meet Paul in Rome. But once again, his plan was delayed. "For...

Day 28: Keep Worship when it is Hard

Reading: Acts 27 In today's reading, Paul finally set sail for Rome! It's amazing to trace his route through the Mediterranean sea. But...

Day 27: Keep your Heart on Fire

Reading: Acts 26 Reading Paul's speech today inspires me. You see Paul standing in the middle of a great Roman hall. Sitting at the end...

Day 26: Keep God at the Centre

Readings: Acts 25 "I just want to get out! Why am I even here?" This is a normal response when people are forced into their "in between...

Day 25: Keep your Heart Pure

Reading: Acts 24 After over a decade of busy ministry, Paul's career was suddenly brought to a screeching halt. He was arrested by the...

Day 24: You Don't Need to be in Control

Reading: Acts 23 Of all the people in the New Testament, Paul was probably the one who had the most difficult time learning to let go of...

Day 23: The Ebenezer Moment

Reading: Acts 22 Do you know Ebenezer? Nope! I don't mean the delicious restaurant. Try again. Look at the Big Stone! The Israelites and...

Day 22: Count the Cost

Reading: Acts 21 As we sail through the rough sea of "in between normals," God in His mercy keeps revealing the true conditions of our...

Day 21: A Holy Stubbornness

Reading: Acts 20 Reading the story of Paul gives me hope. I am not the only pastor who put people into "deep sleep." (20:9) OK. That's...

Day 20: Your Best Legacy

Reading: Acts 19 Today's reading is very special to me. I have visited ancient Ephesus before. I know what the "theatre" looks like. In...

Day 19: A Quiet Sense of Destiny

Reading: Acts 18 What do you admire about Apostle Paul? My answer is: his resilience. A Public Life of Confidence Look at what happened...

Day 18: The Thirst of my soul

Reading: Acts 17 As God directs us by saying no to some doors and yes to others, it challenges our deepest sense of identity. It reveals...

Day 17: Thank You for saying No

Reading: Acts 16:1-14 Life is tough. This was supposed to be another highlight for Paul. But it wasn't. At least in the beginning. Paul...

Day 16: The Power of a Second Chance

Reading: Acts 15 Today's reading of Acts 15 is very important. The Jerusalem council confirmed that Gentiles believers like you and me...

Day 15: The Tumour of the Heart

Reading: Acts 14 People "in between normals" pay more attention to their inner life. The uneasiness in the heart forces them to examine...

Day 14: Your time is coming, but ...

Reading: Acts 13 We have been reading about Saul of Tarsus for some time. We see how the younger Saul was fierce, zealous, but also...

Day 13: You Cannot Stop God

Reading: Acts 12 The name "Herod" doesn't sound good for Christians. So far, none of my friends named their sons Herod. The first time...

Day 12: Who are you blessing today?

Reading: Acts 11 Our society has become more and more individualistic. "Everyone for themselves" seems to be the modus operandi. It's all...

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