Reading: Acts 21
As we sail through the rough sea of "in between normals," God in His mercy keeps revealing the true conditions of our hearts.
It's annoying. But it's God's purifying work. It forces us to ask, "How much do I truly want God?"
In today's reading, Paul continued his journey to Jerusalem.
The Holy Spirit had already warned him that "prison and hardships" were waiting for him. (20:23) And Paul had already said, "I don't care."
But obviously, God was not done with Paul yet.
Not too long before Paul reached Jerusalem, the prophet Agabus took Paul's belt and said, "the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.’" (21:11)
Out of concern and love, Paul's friends pleaded with him not to go.
But Paul was so determined, stubborn, and defiant, that they eventually "gave up." (20:14)
You know Paul.
Count the Cost
But here is the question.
If Paul was following God's will to Jerusalem, why would the Holy Spirit kept telling other people to persuade Paul not to go?
Isn't God being inconsistent?
I don't think so! In fact, it's God's true act of divine mercy and grace.
God was giving Paul an opportunity to "count the cost" before he committed to "count himself in the cause."
Pay the Price
Paul knew that he couldn't be a half-hearted Christian. For him, half-hearted means half-dead. Using a Chinese phrase, he knew that if you want to follow Jesus, "eat bitterness" is part of the deal.
See what Paul said later when he was in prison.
"For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him." (Philippians 1:29)
But wait! Paul! Wait!
Are you not suppose to attract as many people as possible to Jesus? Don't you know that talking about "suffer for him" drives people away? You need to make them "feel good." Right?
Free but not Cheap
No! My friend! Paul would disagree. You need to know what you are getting yourself into!
For though salvation is free, its not cheap. It costs Jesus His life.
Jesus is here to invite people to be his followers, not his fans. He doesn't need people to give him "like." He is here to give people "life."
Jesus says, "whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:27)
There is a cost to follow Jesus. There is a price to pay when you journey to the "new normal."
And what is that price?
There is no half-hearted Christian in the Kingdom "new normal." You either give your whole heart to God, or you don't.
My friend, God is asking you today, "My child, may I have your heart today?"
Looking back to your life, what price did you pay to be a follower of Jesus? How did that make you feel? How did that affect your relationship with God?
Prayer for Today:
Father God,
This is not a pleasant reading today. I don't like the idea of paying a price to follow you, but I know it is real. Father God, I pray for courage as I try to live out a life that honours you by the way I conduct my businesses. I pray for wisdom as I work with my business partners and colleagues. I need you to help me when I relate to my non-believing family members and friends. It's hard to act in a counter-cultural way when I want to honour you with my words and deeds. But God, I am committed to following you. Please give me insight and wisdom, so that I can honour you and love my neighbours at the same time.
In Jesus' name. Amen.