Reading: Acts 22
Do you know Ebenezer?
Nope! I don't mean the delicious restaurant.
Try again.
Look at the Big Stone!
The Israelites and the Philistines didn't fare well together.
In one of the battles, the Israelites suffered huge casualties. They lost thirty thousand of their soldiers and the Ark of God was captured by the Philistines! (1 Samuel 4)
What a humiliation!
Later on, in another battle, the Israelites won.
After that, the prophet Samuel set up a big stone for everybody to see. He called it Ebenezer. It means, thus far the Lord has helped us. (1 Samuel 7:12)
Ebenezers are signposts that remind us of God's faithfulness.
We all need Ebenezers. We are forgetful. We need reminders. No wonder the Psalmist keeps telling us to worship and remember God.
"Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me." (Psalm 103:2, NLT)
By the way, do you know why God commands us to worship Him?
Let's be honest. God doesn't "need" your worship. But "you" need to worship God.
It is when we worship God that we are reminded of how great our God is. It is when we remember God's mighty acts that we are comforted and strengthened.
Thus far the Lord has helped us
In today's reading, we see Paul standing before a hostile crowd. He was being accused of acting against the Jewish people, the Law, and the Temple. (20:28)
It's a fascinating speech. But to me, it sounds more like a testimony than a self-defence.
Now, let's pause for a moment.
What do you think was going on in Paul's heart when he gave his "defence"? How was he feeling?
The more I read his "defence," the more I feel that it is a soliloquy. Paul was actually speaking to himself! His "story" was his own Ebenezer!
He recounted his "former life" as a persecutor of the church, and how Jesus had changed him on his way to Damascus.
It gets even more personal, and probably emotional, when Paul explained God's calling.
Ananias told Paul, "The God of our ancestors has chosen you ... You will be his witness ..." (22:14-15)
Me? The God of my ancestor has chosen me? Oh my God! A wicked guy like me?
Paul kept telling his story, then, ...
“the Lord speaking to me ..." (22:18)
I can only imagine that as the crowd got louder and louder, Paul's heart actually got calmer and calmer.
He has just written to the church in Rome and said, "if God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)
Ebenezer. Thus far the Lord has helped us. He has proven himself faithful, and He will continue to be faithful. I should be OK.
My friend, perhaps you should set up some Ebenezers today! Set them up on the journey through the "in between normals," so that when you look back, you will be encouraged by how good your God is!
When was the last time you recount how God has helped you? How did that make you feel? How can you create some physical signposts to remind you of God's faithfulness? Little pebbles? A special object?
Prayer for Today:
Father God, as I look back into my life, I am amazed by how you have brought me through so many difficult times. Thank you for being such a faithful God. But God, I must also confess that I often focus only on the difficulties in front of me, rather than remembering what you have already done for me. I ask for your forgiveness. I will learn to set up some Ebenezers so that I will always be reminded of how good and how great you are!
In Jesus name. Amen.